Ruche Friends
Hey everyone, having a small business means I have all the freedom to do what makes me happy and I believe sharing a bit of love and kindess is also what I would like to bring out through Ruche's platform.
Sometimes, Ruche is growing a little slow, and I might be busy getting on with my everyday's life, but it is never forgotton. I wish through using Ruche's platforms I can record my journey and share it with you. Thinking of supporting the people that supports me means a lot to me. I believe having a small handmade hobby business is not always about money and I would love to take this oppotunity to show my gratitude to all my friends :)
Below is a list of businesses which belongs to all these very amazing people I have met throught Ruche! If you would love to have your business show here, please flick me a message.

Susutainable living - Self care & wellbeing

Kellie - The Little Plant Fairy

Kids & More
Melrose - Paper designs & Earrings

Food Beverage & More
